Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Team Arrives in Germany!

"WILLKOMMEN" says some signs in the Munich International Airport as we walked off towards the exit after making the 12-hour flight! This is at least for some of us who went straight to Germany from the US; some left the US much earlier to explore Italy, Spain, etc., prior to flying to Germany the day before. One thing is for sure - it is truly a whole new world out here. So exciting! We are definitely not in the States anymore!

Those of us who met in the MUC airport (Rojmary, Professor Bhargava and Brad) took a 45-minute train and cab ride together to the New Orly Hotel to meet up with the rest of the study trip team. Here's a quick photo I snapped of Professor and Brad inside the train:

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Check out some pics of the New Orly Hotel we will be staying at during our week in Munich (as they say - "not so shabby":D):

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After freshening up in the hotel, the entire team went to dinner at Cafe Neuhausen, a stone's throw away from our hotel and caught up with one another's adventures in Europe so far!

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At the end of the dinner, we couldn't help but notice and be wowed by the tools that our kind server was using to generate the individual receipts. We were amazed as we do not have these in the US!

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Before we turned in for the day, the team had a short meeting to finalize the agenda for tomorrow: assemble in the lobby late morning and head off for lunch before our business meeting in the afternoon with Mercateo, the first company we'll be visiting in Munich.

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This wraps up our first day in Germany. Thank you for continuing to follow our journey, dear readers! Talk again tomorrow!


  1. Seems like a lot of manufacturing- and SCM-related company visits are on the cards. Adam, Franzi, Indah and any other 282 grads, don't forget to quiz company execs about how well they apply Simchi-Levi's teachings ;)

  2. Looking forward to hearing more about the places you all chose to visit. Keep taking great pictures, and have a blast! Great team.
